
Complete Home/Property Inspection With Electronic Report:
Detached garages are not included in the base price. Please select all the services you desire below so that enough time is allotted for your inspection. Please make sure utilities are on. If utilities are not on, it will not be possible to complete a full inspection.
Home up to 3,000 Square Feet
Duplex up to 3,000 Square Feet
$475.00 plus tax
Tri-Plex up to 3,000 Square Feet
$525.00 plus tax
Quad Plex up to 3,000 Square Feet
$575.00 plus tax
Mobile Home (Single Wide) up to 1,500 Square Feet
$395.00 plus tax
Additional Square Feet over 3,000
$0.15 cents/ft.
Additional Services:
Below is a list of services that you may or may not need based on the individual need for your inspection.
Re-Inspection Fee (If more than one trip)
$150.00plus tax
Crawlspace Inspection
$125.00 plus tax
Extra Building Inspection
$100.00 each
Wood Destroying Insect Inspection
$75.00 plus tax
Annual Home Maintenance Inspection
$175.00 plus tax
Paper Copy of Home Inspection
$35.00 plus tax
Mileage Fee beyond 25-miles (One Way)
$2.00 per mile
4-Point Inspection (Electrical, Plumbing, Roof & HVAC)
$325.00 plus tax
Schedule Inspection
We are fully licensed and insured for your protection, including Errors & Omissions/General Liability insurance.
601 Jefferson Ave, Huntington, WV 25704